Turbine shaft alignment

Turbine shaft alignment

METRICA S.A. realized a series of measurements, including gas–turbine cells and bearings alignment, shaft alignment and movement monitoring in PPC facilities (Lavrio power plant). In cooperation with Easy Laser, on-the-job training was provided to PPC technical personnel on using Easy Laser technology in various applications - the reason for inspection and maintenance: extended wear on turbine shaft and bearings.

Due to extended wear on the turbine shaft and bearings, our team performed alignment measurements using Easy laser systems. In cooperation with Easy-Laser experts, we also offered on-the-job training to PPC personnel on Easy-Laser technology to use the equipment in various applications.


The daily working schedule of the power plant Working inside a Gas-Turbine with little access and obstacles slowed down the processes.


Mr Prosper Chekroun, an Easy Laser Application Engineer and Instructor on Turbine Alignment trained PPC personnel in Easy Laser Turbine Alignment System E 960B on behalf of METRICA. The training lasted five working days. The team of engineers who attended the practice is now a team of certified Easy Laser operators who can complete any field measurement.

Downloads: Read the entire case: Cells & bearing alignment, Shaft alignment

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